

Saturday, 1 March 2014

Sea Sapphire: The Most Beautiful Animal You’ve Never Heard Of

This is the Sea Sapphire, an absolutely STUNNING marine copepod. Japanese fishermen would call a gathering of these creatures “tama-mizu”, or jeweled water.

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Studying Tips: When and Where to Study for a Mental Boost

1. Study in different places.
Studies show that studying in different places helps us remember better because our brain becomes more active in trying to make connections. In one classic study, participants were asked to study a list of 40 vocabularies in two different rooms - one windowless and cluttered, the other modern with a courtyard. The participants who studied in the courtyard did far better.

2. Alternate between different types of homework/assignment questions.
Studies suggest that switching between types of questions can enhance test scores. The studies had children in either two conditions: 1) children who would repeat doing the same set of questions before moving on to the next set. For example, first do additions. When done, then move to multiplications. 2) children in this condition would alternate between multiplications and additions. The children who had studied mixed set did two times better on a actual test.

3. Space Out Your Studies
Studies found that spacing out our study periods significantly improves memory. For example,  studying 1 hour each night as opposed to a full-cramping session produces better results on tests.

4. Be able to relate what you learn to yourself
This was the first advice I got from my university professor. Make sure to relate what you are learning to some aspects of your life, because it helps you understand the materials better and keeps them longer in memory. For psychology, this is really relevant. Psychology is one of the subjects in which is almost impossible not to relate to what you are learning.

5. Study at a time where you feel most focus
When we are tired or stressed, it can affect our studying negatively. So find a time, where you study the best. For some, it’s at night when they are least distracted. For others, it might be at the morning where they just woke up and have more energy.